
Basic Sustainability Policy

We, Nomura Micro Science, uphold the basic philosophy of “being a company that can achieve sustainable growth by contributing to society through water purification and related technologies.” Working hand in hand with all stakeholders involved in our business activities, we aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and to sustainably enhance corporate value through our efforts to solve social issues.

1.Efforts for environmental issues

We will contribute to the protection of the global environment through our efforts to realize a low- carbon society and a recycling-oriented society.

2.Respect for human rights

We will practice behavior that respects the individuality and human rights of all people involved in our business activities.

3.Consideration for the workplace environment and human resource development

We will strive to create a safe and rewarding work environment and actively support our employees so that they can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest.

4.Compliance with laws and social norms

We will continue to be a trusted presence in society through thorough compliance with laws and social norms, and through fair and honest business activities.

5.Local community involvement and contribution

We, as a member of the local community, will contribute to the development of the local community through dialogue and cooperation with residents.

Involvement in SDGs

We make a contribution to Sustainable Developing Goals (SDGs) by providing innovation
that meets customer needs and partnership.

For the semiconductor and LCD industries

  • We have developed and provide a non-chemical ultrapure water system that utilizes a dedicated reverse osmosis membrane and a continuous regenerating ion exchange unit with excellent boron removal properties.
  • We have developed and provide a system that supplies non-chemical cleaning water as substitute for chemicals by dissolving hydrogen gas, ozone gas, carbon dioxide gas in ultrapure water.

For the pharmaceutical industry

  • We will develop and provide water for injection (WFI) production system using UF membrane method that does not use heat energy.