Sustainability Initiatives

Sustainability Initiatives

After deliberation by the Sustainability Committee, the Company’s Board of Directors has resolved to focus on the implementation of the following items as initiatives related to the five materialities set forth in the Basic Sustainability Policy.

(1)Efforts for environmental issues

We will contribute to the protection of the global environment through our efforts to realize a low-carbon society and a recycling-oriented society.

Initiative Target value/Implementation item
Environmental contribution through equipment
(Expanding sales of non-chemical and ultrafiltration equipment)
GHG emissions: 15% reduction in Scope 3/Category 11 by FY2030
(compared to FY2019)
Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

(i) Promoting a modal shift (from truck and domestic coastal vessel transportation to railroad transportation)

(ii) Using renewable energy (installation of solar panels)

(iii) Promoting conversion from gasoline-powered vehicles to ecological cars

(2)Respect for human rights

We will practice behavior that respects the individuality and human rights of all people involved in our business activities.

Initiative Target value/Implementation item
Initiatives related to “business and human rights”

(i) Formulating a human rights policy

(ii) Establishing a human rights due diligence mechanism

(3)Consideration for the workplace environment and human resource development

We will strive to create a safe and rewarding work environment and actively support our employees so that they can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest.

Initiative Target value/Implementation item
Promoting diversity

(i) Ratio of female managers: 5% by 2025, 10% by 2030

(ii) Ratio of female new graduates hired: 20% and above (every year)

(iii) Ratio of persons with disabilities employed: fulfill the legally mandated employment rate of 2.3% (every year)

Achieving work-life balance Promoting employee motivation and skill enhancement by making the third Friday of every month a holiday and appropriately operating a flextime system

(4)Compliance with laws and social norms

We will continue to be a trusted presence in society through thorough compliance with laws and social norms, and through fair and honest business activities.

Initiative Target value/Implementation item
Ensuring thorough legal compliance through the Compliance Committee The Compliance Committee carefully ascertains revisions to laws and regulations relevant to the Company, communicates them throughout the Company, and monitors the internal status of compliance
Providing compliance training 100% attendance rate

(5) Local community involvement and contribution

We, as a member of the local community, will contribute to the development of the local community through dialogue and cooperation with residents.

Initiative Target value/Implementation item
Regional beautification activities Conducting volunteer cleanups on a regular basis
Providing relief to local residents during disasters Permanent installation of emergency water supply wells as water supply stations during disasters
Providing aid for vaccinations to prevent polio infection Collecting and selling plastic bottle caps, and donating the proceeds to the Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World’s Children as a vaccine donation
Supporting national land afforestation activities Introducing Volunteer Vender and donating to the National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization to support tree planting for afforestation, in cooperation with beverage manufacturers and vending machine operators