Human Rights Due Diligence

Human Rights Due Diligence

Nomura Micro Science Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “we”) is committed to preventing human rights violations by establishing a framework for human rights due diligence based on our human rights policy. We implement this framework on an ongoing basis, including in our supply chains, and monitor human rights issues to correct any matters that may pose human rights risks.

Our human rights due diligence involves conducting a comprehensive assessment of human rights risks that may arise in the course of our operations, which are identified based on internal and external knowledge. While preventing these risks, we promote the consideration of human rights, and we aim to play a part in realizing an ethical society by fulfilling the social responsibilities expected of a corporation.

We will continue to monitor updates to the ethical standards demanded by the international community and continuously conduct internal and external assessments to understand the current state of human rights issues, updating our measures and systems accordingly. We will actively promote the protection of human rights in line with our philosophy of “Leave No One Behind.”

Human Rights Impact Assessments

With the assistance of external experts, we have identified and mapped potential human rights risks within our group. Based on this mapping, we have conducted impact assessments on human rights and are using them as indicators for correcting human rights issues and preventing human rights violations.

Initiatives to Address Major Human Rights Issues

We are taking the following measures to address the “key human rights issues in business activities” as defined in our human rights policy.

(1) Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining

Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining guarantee opportunities for vulnerable workers to voice their opinions and demands to employers. We recognize these rights as essential for achieving equal labor-management relations and sound human capital management.

We respect our employees’ rights to establish and join associations and to bargain collectively. Our employees form labor unions and engage in regular discussions with management on labor-related issues to seek appropriate resolutions.

(2) Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor

Forced labor not only deprives workers of the opportunity for fair labor and wages but also has the potential to reinforce unfair economic structures. Meanwhile, child labor violates children’s rights to education and to grow up in good physical and mental health, potentially adversely affecting their future. Therefore, we recognize forced labor and child labor as unacceptable practices.

We prohibit forced labor and child labor that violates the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights), the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and local laws and regulations in each region. We do not permit forced labor against the free will of workers, child labor for those under 15 years of age, or engagement in hazardous work for individuals under 18 years of age.

Furthermore, there is no evidence of forced labor or child labor within our company or associated supply chains.

(3) Prohibition of Discrimination

We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, whether direct or indirect, based on personal attributes or characteristics, such as race, gender, social status, nationality, faith, ideologies and beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

Based on our belief that each and every employee is the foundation of our company, we prioritize sincerity and harmony and are committed to creating a workplace environment where diverse talents can thrive while respecting each other’s individuality.

Moreover, in our recruitment and promotion processes, we adhere to a policy of fairly and comprehensively evaluating individuals based on their personality, qualities, abilities, experience, and achievements, regardless of gender, nationality, age, or other personal attributes. We strive to create a workplace environment where diverse talents can work with a sense of fulfillment while leveraging their unique characteristics.

(4) Health Management and Health and Safety Initiatives

We recognize the necessity and importance of maintaining and improving the health of our employees as well as health and safety in the workplace so that employees can fully demonstrate their individual abilities and engage in their work with a sense of fulfillment.

In addition to conducting regular health check-ups and holding Health and Safety Committee meetings, we endeavor to maintain and enhance the physical and mental health of our employees through initiatives, such as mental health checks conducted by external specialists and raising awareness about health and safety through occupational health physicians.

Additionally, we conduct weekly workplace health and safety inspections to supervise and guide the maintenance of a safe and comfortable workplace environment. If any issues are identified, such as problems with company facilities that could lead to work-related accidents or health hazards to employees, we take immediate steps to rectify them, striving to maintain a healthy workplace environment.

(5) Prevention of Long Working Hours

Long working hours increase the burden on workers’ physical and mental health leading to health problems, which can reduce QOL (quality of life) and infringe on a healthy and cultured lifestyle.

We are committed to preventing long working hours and overwork by accurately tracking working hours through thorough attendance management based on discussions between labor and management. We are actively working to ensure work-life balance, including encouraging employees to take their paid leave, and making the third Friday of every month a holiday. In addition, we strive to foster a corporate culture that does not tolerate long working hours or overwork by educating management-level employees on the dangers of such work practices during training sessions.

Through various measures, including those aimed at preventing long working hours and overwork, we are striving to create a working environment that is comfortable and rewarding for workers as well as to enable workers to achieve work-life balance.

(6) Prevention of Harassment

We do not tolerate any form of harassment, including power harassment and sexual harassment, as we recognize that it not only violates the human rights of the victims, but also leads to a deterioration of the work environment. This results in decreased labor productivity and an increase in resignations, which damages the company’s value.

In order to prevent harassment, we strive to promote understanding of harassment through training at all position levels and company-wide education. Furthermore, in preparation for instances of harassment or the threat thereof, we have established a dedicated harassment grievance and consultation service. Through this service, we hope to prevent the spread of harassment and the occurrence itself, as well as prevent recurrence through victim relief, investigation, and corrective measures via an internal reporting system.

Establishment of Grievance Handling Mechanism

We have established a reporting system for stakeholders, including our employees and workers in our supply chain, as a grievance handling mechanism. In the event of a report, we immediately verify the facts and take appropriate action to address any negative impact on human rights. Reports can be made anonymously, and even if reported with one’s real name, any retaliation against the reporter is prohibited. This ensures that stakeholders, including employees, can use the grievance handling mechanism safely.

We aim to resolve any incidents that occur at our company via the internal reporting system, and after conducting an internal investigation and taking corrective action, we inform the reporter of the results. Also, for any negative impacts on human rights occurring in our supply chain that are identified via the reporting system, we collaborate with our consolidated subsidiaries to request fact-checking and corrective actions in the supply chain. After receiving a report on the results of these actions, we will notify the reporter of said results.